St Teresa's Special School

Creagh Road, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway.

St Teresa's Special School Calendar 2016/2017

School Breaks for the year 2016/17

(The year 2015/16 is here)

(The year 2014/15 is here)

School opens:

School reopens on Wednesday 31st August 2016

October 2016:

October Break Monday 31st October to Friday 4th November.
School re-opens Monday 7th November.

December 2016:

Christmas Holidays Thursday 22nd December to Friday 6th January 2017
School re-opens Wednesday 9th January 2017.

February 2017:

Mid-Term Break Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th of February
School re-opens on Monday 27th February.

March 2017: St. Patrick's Day School closed on Friday 17th March.
April 2017: Easter Holidays School closed on Friday 7th April. School re-opens on Monday 24th April.*
May 2017:

May Bank Holiday School closed on Monday 1st May

June 2017:

June Bank Holiday School closed all week from Monday June 5th until Friday June 9th. School re-opens on Monday June 12th.

June 2017:

Summer Holidays School closes on Friday 30th June.

* Note:

This calendar could be subject to change if it is necessary for us to make up time for lost days. If changes are required as part of contingency arrangements to make up for days lost due to unforeseen school closures the length of the Easter break may be reduced by remaining open up to and including Wednesday 12th April.

Please contact us for any further information you may require.

Contact us by clicking here.

Copyright © St. Teresa's Special School 2013- | Contact: +353 (0)90 9643934 | | Roll Number: 20328W
Ballinasloe Enterprise Centre, Creagh Road, Ballinasloe Co. Galway, H53 NW54. | Loc8 Code: L6F-33-2VK.